Saturday 22 January 2022

Fifty-Two & Fifty-Three - Greater London - Westerham Heights (245m) & Kent - Betsom’s Hill (251m)

From looking at the map we knew these two County Tops were only of interest to “completists” such as the “PeakyFinders” and not for the quality of the walk or the views afforded. There's only 5 minutes walk between the two of them but it involves a walk along the dirty, busy A233 which has no parking and no footpath. Luckily for us, Westerham Heights Nurseries were kind enough to let us park in their carpark for half an hour (we did ask permission).

Highest point in Greater London next to 
Westerham Heights Farm on the A233

Highest point in Kent - very
unassuming, on a little lane off the A233

So after dodging cars, lorries and buses, we unsurprisingly agreed that these were the worst two peaks we've done, but at least they are both crossed of the list - so “mission accomplished”. Definitely better places for a stroll in Kent and Greater London!

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