Tuesday 2 January 2018

Twenty Seven - Warwickshire - Ebrington Hill (261m)

Radio transmitters near the top

This is supposed to be part of a potentially glorious walk, but today I can’t say we really did it justice. In our defence, it was wet, cold, and extremely misty, and we had somewhere else to be (next to the fire in the bar of the excellent Kings Arms – although coffee and hot choc were the order of the day on this occasion).

Trig point on a wet & misty day

Flooded paths

So we did just have a swift yomp up the track from the car park at Hidcote Manor (also absolutely lovely, we were later informed, so we’ll have to go back to visit here too) towards some radio transmitters and up to glumly inspect our goal – an unexciting ploughed field on the other side of a gate, with no prospect of lovely distant views. We do find a proper plum coloured “Restricted Byway” arrow sign – which according to our daughter, who is undertaking her Gold D of E award, are apparently quite rare. And that is genuinely as exciting as it got!

Highest point is just through the
gate in the ploughed field

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