Thursday 2 November 2017

Twenty Four - Newport - Wentwood (309m)

Trig pillar visible amongst
the felled conifer plantation

We parked at Cadira Beeches car park with lovely beech woods taking the place of scruffy pine plantations up here. There also seem to be lots of white van men here today – including a posse from Western Power tending to the comms mast and getting their 4x4 stuck in the mud in the process. But regardless, this is a nice walk and if it hadn’t have been getting dark we would have spent a bit more time wondering around these pretty woods.

J checking her bearings!

At the trig point there’s a great view across the Severn estuary, although today the visibility wasn’t great. No pub today – we have some shopping to do and work in the morning so promise ourselves a pint next weekend instead.

Bristol Channel & the Second Severn Crossing
just visible in the late afternoon mist

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