Saturday 21 January 2017

Seven & Eight - Caerphilly / Merthyr Tydfil - Pen March (535m) / Merthyr Common (531m)

Getting 2017 off to a good start, three separate walks and a total of five highest points reached today. The first walk across Merthyr Common claimed the high spot in both Merthyr Tydfil and Caerphilly Unitary Authorities.

Joolz & Taffy at (about) the highest point in
Caerphilly - (no marker, cairn or trig point).

Big smiley sunshines for the weather forecast today find us managing three walks and five peaks today – not bad considering the limited daylight hours available. It was very cold, but this turned out to be a blessing because the hard ground made crossing some of the boggy bits much easier. Never far away is the Heads of the Valleys Road ; a revelation to find all these new peaks so close to the highway which we regularly whizz along by car.

Below freezing - frozen water trickling off
the moor

The first walk, starting very close to the Asda supermarket at Dowlais Top, takes us up from the middle of a housing estate, through a few gates ( past some highly excitable but penned - in dogs) and striding out up onto Merthyr Common via some old quarry roads. We don’t see a soul – just a few ponies who stare us out but don’t approach us. There’s a path of sorts which zigzags in a North Easterly direction until we reach our destination(s) - a couple of points by Pwll Mere ( a dryish lake / sink hole ) where the counties of Caerphilly, Merthyr and Powys all meet . With the help of W’s GPS we think we’ve got pretty close to the two highest peaks – Waun Lysiog in Merthyr ( 515 m) (which isn’t even marked on the Ordnance Survey map) and Twyn Pwll Morlais in Caerphilly ( 535m). 

Pwll Mere - boggy rather than actually full of
water - with a smattering of snow

It’s quite bleak, despite the sunshine, but it’s a shame there isn’t anything to mark the sites. We anticipate wind turbines will be sprouting up here shortly. There isn’t a circular walk to be done, so we retrace our steps back to the car and drive the short distance to our second climb of the day.

Start and finish of the walk is surprisingly
from a smart housing estate

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