Sunday 9 December 2018

Forty One - West Yorkshire - Black Hill (582m)

Park by the A635 and start out 
onto the Pennine Way

Flagstone path makes the route 
across the wet peat bog much easier

Mr & Mrs Peaky Finder 
at the summit.

J with eldest daughter by 
the (leaning) trig point

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Forty - Oxfordshire - White Horse Hill (Uffington) (261m)

A pleasant short walk (taken as a rest point on our journey home from Stansted Airport after a week in Malta). The White Horse is a bit elusive. We walked all around it, including looking down from the summit, but it is pretty hard to get a good view of it in it's entirety from ground level. Apparently it's better viewed from the air - so looks like the Ancient Britains were ahead of the game in predicting  the invention of the drone and helicopter! It is the oldest of all the white horses in the UK. More information - and better (aerial) photos - available here - Wikipedia
Trig point - not quite highest point - photo taken
on the ancient earthworks, which is the high spot.

Stood above the white horse, looking down on it's
head & neck. Dragon Hill on the left - flat topped.

The best view in terms of seeing all of the
white horse from ground level.

Monday 9 July 2018

Thirty Nine - Ceredigion - Plynlimon (752m)

Big skies and "cloud corridors" from
the roof of Ceredigion.

Water trickling down from springs
despite driest spell for several decades

Weather-worn trig point at the top

Panorama showing trig point, low
reservoir, and distant Irish sea

View of Plynlimon on the
descent back down

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Thirty Eight - Cumbria - Scafell Pike (978m)

50th Birthday Hike.
Highest man in England! 

Colourful mountain sheep

Leaving Langdale, and starting the
ascent of Rossett Pike in the distance

Once over Rossett Pike, the
view down to Angle Tarn

The outflow from Angle Tarn

Busy at the summit of Scafell Pike!

Highest dog in England!

Selfie at the top!

Panoramic view of the intersection
 of tracks at Esk Hause

Heading back down towards Langdale

Well deserved pint at the
Old Dungeon Ghyll

Profile of the route.
12.5 miles up and down

Sunday 27 May 2018

Thirty Seven - Lancashire - Gragareth (628m)

Another remote area. Can you spot
our car in the centre of the photo?

Open-Access land in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
Highest point straddles boundary between N Yorks & Lancs.

One of the "Three Men of Gragareth".

Trig pillar at highest point. (In distance is
the flat top of Ingleborough in North Yorks).

Thirty Six - North Yorkshire - Whernside (736m)

Walking alongside the impressive
Ribblehead Viaduct

A very remote signal box at  Blea
Moor - a lonely job for someone.

Looking at the tunnel towards
Carlisle and away from Settle

Trig point and gateway marking the
highest point on the Whernside ridge

Looking down towards Ribblehead viaduct

Walking back towards the viaduct

Looking back at Whernside

Returning under the viaduct at Ribblehead

A well deserved drink at the
Station Inn at Ribblehead

Sunday 6 May 2018

Thirty Five - Monmouthshire - Chwarel y Fan (679m)

Started the walk at the beautiful
and isolated Llanthony Priory

Taffy, our Border Terrier
 resting in the heather

Highest point marked by cairn,
 with reservoir in background

Panoramic view back along the ridge

Saturday 5 May 2018

Thirty Three & Thirty Four - Torfaen / Blaenau Gwent - Coety Mountain (574m / 578m)

Started walk from Big Pit, part of
the Blaenavon World Heritage site

Big Pit - now an industrial heritage museum,
 with underground tours by ex-miners

J laying back, having a rest at the top.
Sugarloaf mountain visible on horizon.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Thirty Two - Suffolk - Great Wood - Rede (128m)

Old phone box converted into
village "library".

Rolling Suffolk countryside

Highest point just beyond transmitter
as ominous black clouds descend.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Thirty One - Bedfordshire - Dunstable Downs (243m)

Whipsnade "Tree Cathedral"

Tree Cathedral sign

Highest point at trig pillar by
entrance to visitor car park

Functional "Wind-catcher" statue on
the ridge overlooking the downs